Sixian Li

你好,我是 Sixian,1999 年出生于山城重庆。我在大学时与编程相遇,随后毅然决然地从营养学转至计算机专业,现在正在 Mobbin 从事前端开发。 其余的时间里,我在和其他四位女孩一起创造时色 ,一款帮大家捕捉身边色彩的 app。

除了编程之外,我还热爱攀岩。对我来说,它是一场绝佳的动态冥想,让我得以从纷繁的思绪中抽离出来,去感受身体,重新掌控身体。 但因为肩膀的一些伤病和生活状态的变动,我有一段时间没有攀岩了。


Picture of the author

My life's keyword is "free-spirited"

Hi, I'm Sixian, born in 1999 in Chongqing. I discovered my passion for programming during my university years and switched from Nutritional Sciences to CS. Now I'm a Product Engineer at Mobbin. In my spare time, together with 4 other girls, I'm developing Seizo, an app to help you capture colors around you.

I love rock climbing. For me, it's an excellent form of dynamic meditation that allows me to detach from my thoughts and focus on my body, regaining control over it. However, due to some shoulder injuries and changes in life, I haven't been climbing for a while.

Recently, I've started practicing Pilates. It helps me learn how to communicate with my body, and I look forward to the day when I'm ready to climb again.

找到我 / Contact

I believe in the value of documenting my life, and I'll keep doing it. If you like my content, you can write me an email.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 2019-PRESENT © Sixian Li